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Connor is hoping to change the world. The last couple of years have provided a glimpse into what people truly are capable of accomplishing when we all band together for a worthy cause. 

And to think it all started with our special little fella saying he wanted to help sick children.  He began packing his toys away, both new and old, to be carted off and sold so he could purchase new ones and bring joy to others who had been dealt a difficult hand in life. It was the least he could do to honor his fallen friend Ella. She lost her battle and heaven gained a special little angel on September 14th, 2015.


                                 Ella, seen here, continues to inspire

                                 us and all those she met during her                                         short time on this earth.  We are so                                         blessed to have known her and to still                                   call her family close friends of ours.  If                                   only everybody could exhibit the                                             same strength and resolve she did, the                                   world would be a better place.      


Funds raised are used to both buy new toys and supplies and provide monetary support for entities such as The Children's Hospital of Michigan and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Detroit, among others. Along the way we are vocal in our support of pediatric cancer research and awareness.  I've always felt that the true indicator of character and integrity is doing something good when nobody else is looking. Well, We witnessed Connor doing all of this without any prodding. He had often stated that he wanted to "change the world." 


Connor and his little sister Mackenna continue to try to shed some light through all the darkness we unfortunately have to wade through far too often in our lives. 

The support of the community has been tremendous and we couldn't continue to have an impact on so many lives without you.  We hope to continue to grow and evolve while finding new ways to affect change.  The needs are many but our resolve is strong!


© 2016 Created by Drew Nicol - Connor's Mission


Employee Identification #: 81-3845152


Find us: 

47380 Freedom Valley Dr. Macomb, MI 48044

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